Welcome to the website for the Loveden area of Lincolnshire. The Loveden villages are listed at the top of the page. ‘Loveden’ was the name of the ancient wapentake, surrounding Loveden Hill.
Although originally intended to collate local information and news, this website is now mainly to record local history, including all the men on the war memorials, local family history and historic photographs.
A list of recently changed pages is at the bottom of the page. The latest one-off research posts will be on the ‘Blog’ page. The website can be navigated by clicking on the village names at the top of the page, or via the subject areas above, and the drop-down menus under these headings.

I no longer live in the area, but will continue to update the site. Please use the ‘Contact Us’ form below if you have any corrections/updates.
Any additional photographs, stories or research would also be welcome. Or just your memories of village life and work. Daily life in the 1940s, 1960s, 1980s, or even the 2000s might be mundane to those who were there, but to future generations it could be a fascinating insight into their heritage. Please make contact via the form below and leave an email address or phone number. Any information that may not be suitable for publication today will be passed to the local history society for safekeeping.